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Gather the Wisdom, Weave a Dream

WELCOME to Comprehensive Consulting Services (CCS)

We provide consulting, facilitation and training services to religious communities and other faith-based organizations throughout the United States, Europe, Africa, Canada, Mexico and Central America. We can help you gather the wisdom, weave a dream, and build a bridge to the future.


WHY we do this work 

We experience ourselves as called to empower others 

by fostering authenticity and shared responsibility for how they live, actualize their mission, and shape their future. We work with individuals, communities, and organizations to facilitate healing, nurture growth, and guide those seeking to transform their lives in order to choose life and create a vision for the future. This speaks to our own understanding of the Gospel call to “love one another,” God's call to "choose life," and how we believe our gifts can best serve our wounded world.


HOW we do this work

What we have come to know is that healing, growth and transformation do not come about through seven-point programs or linear processes. There are no blue-prints, off-the-shelf programs, or quick-fixes for personal or organizational growth and systemic change. Consequently, we work with organizations at a variety of levels (from leadership to entire congregations), in a variety of ways (facilitating, consulting and training), and do this work over time (not band aid solutions). We know that whatever we do to help, we must take into account the unique demographics, culture, mission and story of each organization and tailor our approach accordingly.


Consultation, Facilitation and Training Services for

Religious Communities & 
Faith-Based organizations throughout the United States and Internationally.



Gather the Wisdom,

Weave a Dream,


Build a Bridge

to the Future

Who We Are

Dr. Ted Dunn
Clinical Psychologist
Husband and Wife
Dr. Beth Lipsmeyer
Clinical Psychologist
who we are
Shadow on Concrete Wall






Email: or
Tel:  Dr. Ted Dunn, 314-304-0009; Dr. Beth Lipsmeyer, 314-304-0019

For any inquiries or requests, please fill in the following contact form:

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Comprehensive Consulting Services

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