Gather The Wisdom, Weave A Dream:
A visioning guide for leaders and planners of faith communities seeking deep change and transformation
by Ted Dunn (described below)
Order here or on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other bookstores
El poder del trabajo interno para la transformación:
Guía para la reflexión personal y el intercambio comunitario
by Ted Dunn (described below)
Order here or on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other bookstores
The Inner Work of Transformation:
A Guide to Personal Reflection and Communal Sharing
by Ted Dunn (described below)
Order here or on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other bookstores
Graced Crossroads:
Pathways to Deep Change and Transformation
by Ted Dunn (described below)
Order here or on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other bookstores
Gather The Wisdom, Weave A Dream
A visioning guide for leaders and planners of faith communities seeking deep change and transformation
by Ted Dunn
Gather the Wisdom, Weave a Dream is a resource for leaders and planners who wish to guide their faith communities through the turbulent waters of deep change and transformation. It is for communities at a crossroads who can no longer go on as they have in the past, yet do not wish to simply care for their remaining members, settle their affairs, and come to “completion.” It is for those who wish to discern a deeper invitation at these Graced Crossroads and create a vision for the future that is truly transformative, one that promises to bring forth new meaning and purpose to the lives of their members.
While faith communities resonate with the idea of transformation and possibilities for new life, little is written on how to go about it. Although I have long cautioned communities that there are no formulaic solutions for such transformative endeavors, neither are we completely at a loss with what to do. There are universal principles and processes known to be involved in both personal and communal transformation. And there is an array of possible approaches that has proven to be successful, as well as a host of pitfalls that ought to be avoided.
It is the application of these principles and processes that has yet to be sufficiently spelled out and this book aims to address this gap. I will put forth ideas, guidelines, and concrete examples as departure points to help leaders and planners create their own approach. Each community will need to creatively draw upon and tailor these ideas to fit their unique circumstances. The material provided will give leaders and planners the working knowledge they will need to maximize the possibility of personal, communal, and systemic transformation.
El poder del trabajo interno para la transformación:
Guía para la reflexión personal y el intercambio comunitario
by Ted Dunn
El poder del trabajo interno para la transformación está dirigido a personas, comunidades religiosas, iglesias y otros grupos de fe que han llegado a una encrucijada en la vida y buscan formas de crear una nueva existencia mediante procesos que promuevan un cambio y una transformación profundos. El presente representa el tipo de trabajo del alma que creo que se descuida con demasiada frecuencia pero que, sin embargo, es esencial para lograr la transformación de las comunidades y de las personas que residen en ellas. En esencia, esta guía es para todas aquellas personas que quieran cooperar proactivamente con la gracia haciendo un trabajo del alma que las lleve al cambio y transformación profundos.
En las últimas décadas he ejercido mi ministerio principalmente con comunidades religiosas católicas. Éstas se encuentran atravesando una enorme transición y he acompañado a muchas de ellas a través de lo que yo llamo un "viaje de transformación". Los fundamentos de mi trabajo sobre la transformación personal y comunitaria se publicaron recientemente en un libro titulado Encrucijada de gracia: caminos hacia el cambio profundo y la transformación. En esa publicación fundacional indiqué que le seguiría esta obra complementaria sobre el trabajo interno para la transformación.
Este libro ofrece una serie de reflexiones y procesos propuestos con el objetivo de ayudar a quienes deseen realizar este tipo de trabajo del alma, por lo que pretende ser un recurso, no una especie de programa de siete puntos para una transformación garantizada. No existe tal cosa. No pretendo pensar que lo que ofrezco es la única manera de realizar ese trabajo interno. Sin embargo, es una forma que me ha resultado muy eficaz. Las comunidades a las que he acompañado y que se han comprometido en este trabajo interno han descubierto que forma parte integral de su viaje de transformación que es, sin duda, más grande.
The Inner Work of Transformation
A Guide to Personal Reflection and Communal Sharing
by Ted Dunn
The inner work of transformation is for individuals, religious communities, churches and other faith groups who have reached a crossroads in life and are looking for ways to bring forth new life through processes that promote deep change and transformation. It represents the kind of soulwork I believe is too often neglected but nonetheless essential to the successful transformation of communities and the individuals who reside in them. In essence, this guide is for all those who want to proactively cooperate with grace by doing the soulwork of deep change and transformation.
Graced Crossroads
Pathways to Deep Change and Transformation
By Ted Dunn
Catholic religious communities, like many faith-based organizations, are at a crossroads. They are experiencing a seismic transition not only in their demographics but also in their identity, integrity, and relevancy, indeed, their very soul. Dr. Ted Dunn explores these Graced Crossroads addressing four central questions:
What are the graced crossroads religious communities are now facing and the deeper invitations calling them to the inner work of transformation?
What are the challenges and opportunities in our world and within Religious Life that have brought communities to these graced crossroads?
How might communities assess their capacity to engage in communal transformation, what will it ask of them, and what can they expect to come from it?
What does a Journey of Transformation truly involve and how can communities proactively engage in this Divine Mystery?
Dr. Ted Dunn offers a comprehensive and innovative approach that integrates the pragmatic work of planning and visioning with the inner work of transformation, an approach he calls a Journey of Transformation. The foundation of this approach comes from his in-depth examination of the nature of transformation and his 30 years of experience guiding communities through these crossroads. Looking through the lenses of different disciplines, he arrives at the guiding principles and dynamic elements of transformation. These are integrated into the Journey of Transformation and illustrated throughout the book.
Upcoming and Recent Presentations​​​
Drs. Ted and Beth Dunn, CARE training, Kinston, Jamaica, 2024
Drs. Ted and Beth Dunn, CARE training, Anápolis, Brazil, 2024
Drs. Ted and Beth Dunn, CARE training, New York, 2024
Drs. Ted and Beth Dunn, CARE training, Florida, 2024
Dr. Ted Dunn presenting, Spain, Canada, New York, Connecticut, and California, 2024
​Dr. Ted Dunn will be at LCWR - Region 2, October 17, 2023 (topic TBD)
​Dr. Ted Dunn will be at Barcelona, Spain, La Congregación de Misioneras Hijas de la Sagrada Familia de Nazaret, September 26 & 27, 2023 (topic TBD)
Dr. Ted Dunn will be presenting at International Union of Superiors General (USIG), May 5, 2023, "Embracing Our Vulnerability: A gesture of humility or call to transformation."
Dr. Ted Dunn will be at LCWR - Region 9, April 26, 2022
Dr. Ted Dunn will be presenting at International Union of Superiors General (USIG), May 2022, "Embracing Our Vulnerability and its Transformative Potential."
Dr. Ted Dunn will be presenting at National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC), July 25-26, 2022 "Learning to Cooperate with Grace through the Inner Work of Transformation."
Dr. Ted Dunn will be presenting at Association of Leaders of Missionaries and Religious of Ireland (AMRI), September 28 & 29, 2022
Dr. Ted Dunn will be presenting at Catholic Religious Australia (CRA), September 17 & 30, 2022.
Dr. Ted Dunn will be presenting at Catholic Religious Australia (CRA), August 9, 2022.
Dr. Ted Dunn will be presenting at the Forest Dwelling: Spirituality for our Wisdom Years, a program sponsored by Ronald Rolheiser and the Oblate School of Theology, 2023)..
Newest Books and Articles
Ted Dunn (2024). "Gather the wisdom, weave a dream: A visioning guide for leaders and planners of faith communities seeking deep change and transformation."
Ted Dunn (2023). "El poder del trabajo interno para la transformación: guía para la reflexión personal y el intercambio comunitario."
Ted Dunn (2021). "The Inner Work of Transformation: A Guide for Personal Reflection and Communal Sharing."
Ted Dunn (2020). "Graced Crossroads: Pathways to Deep Change and Transformation."
Ted Dunn. (2021, Winter). "Seeing with new eyes: the inner work of transformation needed for these times." The Occasional Papers (Winter). pp. 6-10.
Ted Dunn (2020, Winter). "Advent’s deeper invitation: walking the ancient path." InFormation.
Facilitation Training Workshops
We are currently conducting advanced facilitation training workshops for communities located in Brazil, Jamaica, New York, New Jersey, and Florida, . For more information...
We will NOT be Silent Anymore!
“We will not be silent anymore!” was the chant at the rally on behalf of immigrants in downtown San Antonio. The Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence, a catholic religious community in San Antonio, sponsored a rally on behalf of all Hispanic immigrants, and the silent majority of U.S. citizens, who wish to welcome the stranger. Over 100 people came to pray, sing, peacefully march the streets, and hear from several speakers about the plight of immigrants and what we could do about it.
As a result of this rally, and as a way to build upon what we began, we are inviting those who attended the rally, and others who share in this cause. Ted and Beth with be facilitating this gathering sponsored by the Missionary Catechists of Divine Providence at their center in San Antonio. The purpose of the day will be to share our understandings, resources, ways in which we might be able to help, and to mobilize actions in support of the Hispanic immigrants. We will gather, put our heads and hearts together, and come up with creative ways to network, support, and create action steps that could be taken.