El Amor Puede Construir un Puente
El amor puede construir un puente es un video que representa el poder del amor para reconciliarse. Es una oración que se centra y fortalece. Es un mensaje simple, sopa de pollo para el alma. ~ Dr. Ted Dunn
Love Can Build a Bridge
Love can build a bridge is a video depicting the power of love to reconcile. It is a centering, strengthening prayer. It's a simple message, chicken soup for the soul. ~ Dr. Ted Dunn
This Ancient Love
An incredible centering prayer takes in the beauty of God’s ever-unfolding creation and ancient love. This was originally inspired while co-facilitating a communal discernment retreat with my wife, Dr. Beth Lipsmeyer, during a sunrise prayer in Ontario, Canada. Most of the photos were taken in Canada, Hawaii, Arizona and Cape Cod ~ Dr. Ted Dunn.
This Ancient Love” by Carolyn McDade, Copyright © 1988 by Surtsey Publishing, renewed © 1996 by Carolyn McDade
As recorded on “As We So Love” by Carolyn McDade & Friends, Copyright © 1996 by Carolyn McDade
All Rights Reserved; Used by Permission
Deer’s Cry
Deer’s Cry is a Celtic prayer video depicting the power and beauty of God’s ever-unfolding grace and power. It is a centering, strengthening prayer. It was filmed mostly in Ontario, Canada. ~ Dr. Ted Dunn
Embracing Aging
Embracing Aging is the opening input of a four-part series on aging, the physical, cognitive, emotional and relationship effects upon individuals and communities. - Dr. Ted Dunn
Baptized by Creation
Baptized by Creation is a meditative video. It focuses on the beauty of God’s creation. It was filmed at one of the wonders of our world – Niagara Falls (the Canadian side). It is a centering, strengthening prayer that offers nourishment to the soul. ~ Dr. Ted Dunn
CARE: A Journey of Mercy
This video is a tribute to the Sisters of Mercy in New Jersey who took CARE (Conversational Approach to Relational Effectiveness) on the heels of 9/11. The CARE training program was provided to the Sisters of Mercy in New Jersey by Dr. Ted Dunn and Dr. Beth Lipsmeyer. CARE is a training program in non-violent communication and life skills based upon the gospel call to “love one another.” Ironically, this particular training in nonviolent communication began on the heels of 9/11/01, with the smoke from the twin towers in the backdrop of the room we used for training. This video was a labor of love, part of their graduation ceremony. ~ Dr. Ted Dunn
God Beyond All Names
Beautiful music and pictures. Great for centering in prayer. Music by Bernadette Farrell ~ Video by Dr. Ted Dunn