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...Weave a dream

Beth Lipsmeyer, Ph.D.

Dr. Beth Lipsmeyer

Professional Background

Dr. M. Beth Lipsmeyer is a licensed clinical psychologist and the founder of Comprehensive Consulting Services, P.C., which is a professional corporation committed to a multidisciplinary, multifaceted approach to psychological intervention, education, and organizational consultation.

Dr. Lipsmeyer received her undergraduate degree both in psychology and sociology at Maryville College in St. Louis, Missouri. Her master’s degree in Psychology was obtained at Loyola University of Chicago, where she concentrated on individual and group therapy, as well as upon systems development, design, and interventions. She completed her doctoral studies in Clinical Psychology at St. Louis University. Dr. Lipsmeyer’s doctoral training also included a specialty in Organizational Development, with an emphasis upon primary prevention and the promotion of health. In her research for her dissertation , she developed an instrument designed to assess the integration of spirituality and psychological well-being. This instrument has been used subsequently is several research projects measuring religiosity and differing aspects of mental health.


Prior to forming her own corporation, Dr. Lipsmeyer was employed at the House of Affirmation, a residential treatment program for men and women who are members of religious communities. While employed in this setting for 2 1/2 years, she focused upon intensive individual and group therapy, as well as provided coaching and consultation with leaders of Religious Communities. In her career as a clinical psychologist, she has worked extensively with a variety of client populations, including persons who are terminally ill, chemically dependent, those who have eating disorders, marital difficulties, family problems, and long-term personality dysfunctions. She has provided an array of services, which include psychological assessments, individual, marital, family, and group therapy.


Dr. Lipsmeyer is a consultant who has extensive experience with varying types of organizations for over 35 years. She has provided consultative services and training programs in communications and conflict resolution for corporations, educational administrations, management teams, and staff members of several acute care and long-term health care facilities. 


She has conducted numerous workshops across the United States and Canada. She is a keynote speaker for organizations and has presents on a gamut of topics, including workshops on leadership, effective management, communications, dealing with difficult people, self-esteem, anger, conflict resolution, intimacy, loss, and the integration of spirituality and psychological well-being. The organizational consultations Dr. Lipsmeyer provides, and the workshops and seminars that she conducts, express her strong commitment to empowering personal and corporate resources, and to the prevention of mental illness and the promotion of mental health.


Dr. Lipsmeyer holds a tenacious belief in an individual’s and organization's capacity to make life-giving, healthy choices and to live out of personal and communal integrity. Simultaneously, she experiences deep compassion for the reality of brokenness that is a part of of all of our lives. These values, coupled with her personal warmth and clinical expertise, are the foundation upon which her therapeutic, consultative, and organizational interventions are based.

Comprehensive Consulting Services

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