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Quality Team Effectiveness

The Quality Team Effectiveness (QTE) instrument was developed by Dr. Ted Dunn in order to assist Leadership Teams (and other teams) in strengthening their effectiveness in teaming. Over the years, with the availability of more solid research on “Leadership” and “Teaming,” along with a database collected from Leadership Teams with whom I have worked, the QTE has evolved to its current form and focus. The primary benefit of using the QTE is to help Leadership Teams who are seeking to grow in their capacity to team and get some handles on how they are approaching this effort. What are the handles and why were these chosen? There are 150 items in the QTE representing fifteen dimensions of leadership.  Each dimension was identified and developed based upon: 1) Cumulative and continual research and reviews of the literature on what constitutes effective Teaming and Leadership; and 2) data I have have collected since 1985 from my observations and consultations with Leadership Teams. On the basis of this research and data collected, the QTE instrument assesses team effectivenss along these fifteen dimensions:


  1. Shared Mission and Vision
  2. Synergy and Cohesion
  3. Mutual Accountability and Co-Responsibility
  4. Mutual Care and Support
  5. Trust and Safety
  6. Reciprocal Influence and Power
  7. Mutual Challenge and Confrontation
  8. Shared Decision-Making
  9. Risk, Growth and Development
  10. Boundaries and Communication
  11. Interdependence and Partnership
  12. Authenticity and Credibility
  13. Networking Relationships
  14. Services and Technology
  15. Red Flags
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